What exactly is MediaVend
MediaVend is a revolutionary advertising opportunity for brands wanting to promote to engaged audiences whilst they wait for their vending choice. MediaVend on-screen adverts prompt sales and influence brand choices at point-of-purchase; the vending machine.
With the average vend taking thirty seconds, capture your customers’ attention whilst they are already at a vending machine and in the right frame-of-mind to buy.
Can we change our adverts mid-campaign?
When you purchase advertising time with MediaVend, you’re assigned your own personal campaign manager. Throughout the campaign, insights are monitored and fed-back to allow changes to be made to ensure you get the most from your media-spend.
Is there a minimum commitment for MediaVend campaigns?
Our campaigns range from daily to weekly or monthly. Our trusted team of advertising experts will work with you to determine which is most appropriate for your brand or campaign.
There is also the option to buy “number of views” packages, ensuring campaigns continue in-line with the number of customers you want to reach, or your budget.
What type of media works best on MediaVend screens?
MediaVend screens are flexible, in that we can accommodate still images or PDF documents, all the way through to rich-media videos with sound.
Our screens are all 1080p, to ensure the quality of your campaign creative is brought to life through MediaVend.
Do you offer discounts for Government, or charities?
As part of our commitment to our corporate and social responsibilities, we work with charities and Local Government agencies to deliver cost-effective and discounted solutions to reach your target market or share important messaging.